Create the things you wish existed
From the depths of your precious soul.
Bring your ideas to the surface
Then give them space and love to grow.
Don’t you water down your wisdom.
Let your dreams run wild and free.
Create with meaning, love, and impact.
You are the one who holds the key
To birthing a grand adventure.
Keep your flavour, keep your spice.
Bring your magic to the table.
Build your soul’s true paradise – Kristin Pierce
Coffee with a Cause is a once-a-month gathering I host in my home. A group of women come together over breakfast and an intention. I could just leave it at that, but this story deserves to be told.
I have those “I wish” thoughts stroll through my mind fairly often. I am sure you do as well. Some of these we may not even notice, some we may pay some fleeting attention, and a few may pull at our hearts hard enough that they move beyond a wish.
I joined a friend for breakfast on a patio. We talked about many things that day, but I vividly remember sharing with her that I wished to host a breakfast group at my home. I love breakfast! I spoke of the specifics as if I had spent a lot of time thinking this through. I had, but not in the way you would think. It was almost like my heart was talking and had not run it past my brain. I would host coffee, I love coffee, and a light breakfast at my house each month. We would have an intention of connecting as well as creating or giving. I wanted to share what brings me joy with people who would come to value these 90 minutes each month. I had my doubts as people are busy and have their own priorities. Why would I plan something when similar ideas had been less than successful? My friend encouraged me to try again. I envisioned “this” looking exactly how I wanted it to. If I planned it this way, the women and I would share in a common joy. This is what has made all the difference.
Coffee with a Cause has come together over the past year to create for ourselves and to give back to others over coffee and breakfast. The group has grown slowly for good reason. It isn’t for everyone. I mean, it was my wish after all. This is important to note. My wish included inviting others into my home. I realize not everyone is a natural host. Oftentimes, we make hosting too difficult. We make it mostly about other people and less about ourselves which brings stress. Here is your permission to share what you’re passionate about in the very way that brings you joy and invite others to join you.
I encourage you to listen to your “I wish” opportunities. Create what you wish existed whatever that may be.